Artist : Tara Jane O’Neil

Album : Tara Jane O’Neil

Release Date : 21-04-2017

Added : 02-09-2017

An acoustic guitar, an intimate voice and a few arrangements, here is the universe of 'Tara Jane O'Neil' who has just released a new eponymous album and it’s already her 8th solo album. Short and stripped songs to listen calmly to release pressure, here is the menu of this last opus where she cradles us with a few notes and where she goes to the essential with her sweet voice to affect us. In short, this last album is for all sensitive ears to a simple and intimist music without any frills that makes you share the intimacy of a simply, true and sincere artist...

Line Up / Musicians

Tara Jane O’neil (Vocal, Guitar) + The Ecstatic Tambourinee Orchestra